Tips(?) and Quips: pre-Apocalypse
Everyone has to make their own financial decisions. I am not advocating any position, just explaining potential outcomes and potential outcomes. As a thought exercise inspired in no small part by Alas Babylon, a cold war novel about surviving nuclear war in America. I would never have thought about many of the following things had I not read that book as a child. All eventualities barring nuclear Armageddon, are pointing at a Great Reset. Pretty much inevitable. I'm not talking about that. Assume for whatever reason it happens, what now? 1. Your old life is gone, never to return. Those who cannot accept this do not survive. 2. Civilization & normal human behavior is gone when people have no power, no food, no water (in a worst case - EMP/cyber/nuke/terror strike). If in doubt, refer to step 1. 3. If there is a civilizational collapse (water, power, etc), only things you can touch will remain. Mortgages, student debt, taxes, lawsuits, car loans. Bank acc...