Confirmation Bias (aka WYSIWYE)
My original thought was a kind of tongue-in-cheek piece on how humans unconsciously "categorize" or "stereotype" nearly every aspect of our environment (confirmation bias). I expect the grass to generally be green except when it's dormant. If it is daytime and clear skies overhead, I expect to see blue. Our brains unconsciously categorize things that are threats and things that are alerts, or all good, or supportive/nurturing. It's too overcome the lack of wiring in some aspect of the brain. I think it's the connection to the prefrontal cortex, but I'm on a roll and not looking that up now. This functionality is how you hear of people who start driving to work on their daily path when they suddenly realize they are in a different place, like they were on auto pilot. In essence, they were. (Maybe it's related to the fight/flight response of the amygdala?) So, I've been toying with the idea of WYSIWYG. I believe I first saw this on my 1990 wor...